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安装Ubuntu 10.04 官方教程  

2010-05-27 09:11:46|  分类: Ubuntu笔记 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Install Ubuntu

1. If you're using a CD: Put the Ubuntu CD into the CD/DVD-drive and restart the computer. You should see a welcome screen prompting you to choose your language and giving you the option to install Ubuntu or try it from the CD.


If you don't get this menu, read the booting From the CD guide for more information.

2. If you're using a USB drive: Most newer computers can boot from USB. You should see a welcome screen prompting you to choose your language and giving you the option to install Ubuntu or try it from the CD.


If your computer does not automatically do so, you might need to edit the BIOS settings. Restart your computer, and watch for a message telling you which key to press to enter the BIOS setup. It will usually be one of F1, F2, DEL, ESC or F10. Press this key while your computer is booting to edit your BIOS settings.

You need to edit the Boot Order. Depending on your computer, and how your USB key was formatted, you should see an entry for 'removable drive' or 'USB media'. Move this to the top of the list to force the computer to attempt to boot from USB before booting from the hard disk. Save your changes and continue.


3. Choose your preferred language and click on ''Install Ubuntu 10.04'

4. Select your location and click 'Forward' to proceed.

5. Select your preferred keyboard layout

6. You can install Ubuntu alongside your current system or instead of it. Use this screen to choose your installation preferences.

Using the 'install side by side' option will install Ubuntu on the free space in your computer. You can use the slider to allocate more or less space.

7. Enter your account and password details

8. Review your options and click on 'Install'

9. Learn more about Ubuntu while the system installs... Or make a cup of tea!

10. Restart and enjoy Ubuntu!

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